January 30, 2022
Passage Read: 1 Kings 14-17
Meditation Verses: 16:3-6
Both Jehu and Basha were warned about their sin and the judgment God had prepared against them. But the judgment didn't come on them, but on their sons. Both Jehu and Basha died in relative peace and we're buried. But their sons were killed and all their descendants cut off. So God warned them, then gave them the rest of their lives to repent and avoid the consequences of their sin. Neither used the time to repent, both continued on their evil ways and their families suffered for it. But God's mercy was still towards them, they could have repented, they were given significant time.
God warns because He doesn't want to destroy men's lives. He wants them to repent, so He doesn't often carry out His judgment immediately. He gives time to most to repent, if they would only take it, use it to repent. If they change their ways, God will relent and not bring on them the disaster He warns of. So I too need to be alert to any warning He gives me. If I see from Scripture how He wants me to live, then I need to confirm to His instructions. If I see from Scripture that I am doing wrong, I need to repent quickly, rather than become discouraged or embittered against the Lord. Because He wants to bless me, not destroy me, so He warns me to change my ways, so that I can live.