January 22, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Samuel 6-9
Meditation Verses: 7:18-19
David is amazed at the graciousness of God to him. The Lord has promised to make a lasting name for him, because he followed the Lord with all his heart. He didn't care what others thought of him, he didn't think he needed to protect his dignity and guard his displays of delight in the Lord. He loved the Lord deeply and was so grateful for His goodness to him. He knew that the Lord had delivered him all his life and taken such good care of him all his days, and now the Lord was promising even greater things. This is what the Lord does for those who care only about what He thinks of them. This is what the Lord does for those who love Him with their whole heart. Others may think such people are stupid, but the Lord loves them and will greatly honor them.
This is what the promise of heaven is all about. Of course the Lord is able to exalt and honor in this life those who love Him fully, but what is even better is that He will honor and exalt them in eternity, and that honor and exaltation will not have to be passed to a descendant, but the one honored will enjoy the honor forever. So it is far better to live for eternal honor than earthly honor. It is far better to seek the Lord's favor than to curry men's favor. Who cares what men think? What the Lord thinks is all that should matter to me.