January 23, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Samuel 10-13
Meditation Verse: 12:14
What enemies of God could this be? Who knew about what David had done? Only Joab. Surely he wouldn't mock the Lord because of it. Who then could these enemies be? They must be Satan and his fallen angels. They could also be the people who read about this later on and use it to justify their hatred of God, but that could have been remedied by not including this story in Scripture. Yet here it is. The Lord hates to be mocked, whether by men or angels, and that is right. He should not be mocked because He does no wrong! His servants may sin, but He does no evil. Yet He is condemned and mocked because of His servants, when they do evil, because He didn't keep us from it. Because we who bear His name do things He would never do.
God should never be mocked or put to shame. He is holy and just and always does what is right. But when I sin, I give His enemies an opportunity to blaspheme Him. I must not do so. My actions should bring Him glory and honor alone, I must not do anything that causes Him shame or gives His enemies justification to mock Him. I must not do anything wrong in His eyes, especially something as glaring as this.