February 8, 2023
Passage Read: 1 Chronicles 11-14
Meditation Verse: 14:8
Victory does not come without testing. David was finally announced king; God finally fulfilled His promise to him. But no sooner had he united the country, then the Philistines attacked. They probably felt foolish, because David had lived among them, claimed loyalty, then at the first chance run off to be king of their enemy! They would make him pay for making them look like fools. But God helped him through this attack and the next, and that ended it. David was faithful to the Lord, and the Lord honored him and gave him success against his enemies.
If we do enjoy success here at Lafayette, there will still be tests. Some of them just need to be endured, but some will need to be attacked head-on after consulting with the Lord. Some will need to be attacked from behind, again at the Lord's direction. There is not one way to deal with tests, but with each one I need to check with the Lord whether to face it head on, come at it from behind or wait until it blows over.