February 25, 2024
Passage Read: 1 Chronicles 7-10
Meditation Verse: 7:2
This chapter in particular makes mention of the mighty men of valor repeatedly. This generation of this family or this generation of this tribe. Of course it speaks of men of war, who are always considered men of valor, especially when successful. But there is another war continually being waged, a spiritual war, and among the various generations of these families, some stood strong and held fast to the Lord, and some gave way to the enemy and fell prey to false gods. They eventually fell so hard and for so long that the Lord abandoned them to their military enemy. In fact, God often used lesser military enemies to discipline them for their spiritual failures.
As great as it is to be a mighty man of valor in a military sense, and people will generally praise you for such strength and courage and cunning, it is also just as important or more important to be a mighty man of valor for the Lord. To be courageously faithful and obedient to Him, to resist the deception of the devil and his forces, and to stand fast and even push forward in the spiritual battle. Few men will praise you, but God will greatly honor such men for building His kingdom. I need to grow in courage and step up into the battle, instead of cowering where it's safe and far from any actual warfare.