Micah Bemenderfer

February 3, 2023

Passage Read: 2 Kings 16-19
Meditation Verses: 18:3-4


Hezekiah did something radical, that no king before him had done: He tore down the high places and destroyed Moses' bronze snake. These were sacred things that had been preserved and allowed for centuries, traditions that ran very deep, but he took a stand against them and eliminated them because he could read in the Law that they were wrong. He trusted in God's Word in spite of generations who made these things an accepted part of Jehovah worship. Hezekiah was bold to fly in the face of generations of acceptable but clearly wrong practices; no one had done that before him!


May I be so bold, that when I see a practice clearly in violation of God's Word I eliminate it from our congregation. God's Word is brutally clear on so many things, but over the generations, we have changed or covered over its teachings. We have softened its message such that it has become almost meaningless, such that unbelievers believe it to be irrelevant, and many believers are beginning to agree. Where is the faith to believe it as it is written? Will Jesus find faith on the earth when He returns? It scares even me to think this way. What am I missing? Bold faith. Real faith. Faith as small as a mustard seed.