February 3, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Kings 8-11
Meditation Verses: 10:30-31
Jehu was rewarded with four generations of kings from him because he was zealous for the Lord, in what the Lord had commanded. He was far better than Ahab and his line, but he was no better than Jeroboam. He served the Lord according to his own understanding, which was better than his predecessor, but not great. He could have learned more of the Lord, but he wasn't so inclined. It is OK to serve the Lord according to the understanding of society at large, but it is far better to serve the Lord according to His Word and truth. Joash of Judah was given a copy of the Law, and the Law itself required the kings of Israel to read and do it, so that they would do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. The same is true for all of us. We need a copy of God's Word, to read and to do, in order to know the Lord and walk fully in His ways.
I can't just go with the flow, by serving the Lord in the same way everyone else does. There is a higher calling, and that is to know the Word of God and to do it. The Church in general have an ever lower standard of behavior, as they allow the world to influence them. Most believers only rise to what other Christians do, but I have the ability to read and understand the Word of God, so I should do so, and live by what it says. I shouldn't be satisfied to live like everyone else, but I should want to know God in truth, in fullness, and live by His commands.