Micah Bemenderfer

February 28, 2023

Passage Read: Esther 3-6
Meditation Verse: 6:13


Suddenly all Haman's advisors recognize that Mordecai is of Jewish origin? Didn't they know that from the beginning? Why now do they suddenly recognize Haman can't win? It's almost like they meant to help his downfall! They should have warned him from the beginning. Did they hope they could defeat the Jews, and at this point recognize there is no chance? They are poor counselors indeed, or treacherous.


If I'm asked to give counsel, I want to give the best counsel, to be most concerned about the welfare of the one seeking counsel. They may not like what I have to say, but for their good I still need to say it. I don't want to be a worthless counselor or a treacherous one.