Micah Bemenderfer

February 24, 2023

Passage Read: Ezra 10 - Nehemiah 3
Meditation Verse: Ezra 10:1


Both Ezra and Nehemiah found people who were willing to support and cooperate with the burden God impressed on both of them. Ezra was mourning over the sins of his people, and as he wept and humbled himself others gathered around him to join him. They were willing to change their ways, to repent and make the required changes. They were willing to support Ezra in leading this reform, though they had no ideas how best to go about it.


Though it may seem like no one is willing to stand up to the status quo and change it, there are those who are willing. They just need a catalyst. Lord, call out Your people, people who are willing to change things for the better, people who are willing to humble themselves before You, to confess their half-heartedness and give themselves fully to You. People who have no love for the things of this world, but don't know what else to do. Give us revival, please, turn Your people back to You, in ways we haven't seen in generations.