Micah Bemenderfer

February 22, 2023

Passage Read: Ezra 2-5
Meditation Verses: 4:1-4


It is great that these Samaritans wanted to help rebuild the temple, because they had been worshiping what they understood to be God from early on after their deportation to Israel. However, they also worshiped all their original gods and the priests that were sent to instruct them about Israel's God very likely were those who thought God was worshiped by a golden calf. They didn't know God, though they wanted to worship Him. If they understood Him, they would have known that idols and other gods were forbidden. It surely would have been better for the Jews to offer to teach them the truth about God and put them off from helping until they understood Who they desired to worship. It was permissible to allow aliens to learn to worship the Lord. In fact, that was God's original plan and desire for exalting and blessing Israel. Yet it is implied by the response of those put off by the Jews that their heart was not the honor of God, but their own wishes, since their response was to intimidate the Jews and shut down the building of the temple.


Ignorant and ungodly people should not be given responsibilities in the worship of God. They should be encouraged for their desire and instructed in God's ways, so that when they repent and believe they can be welcomed into fellowship, and eventual service as they grow in maturity. Even Paul warned Timothy not to lay hands on anyone too quickly. Leaders need to be tested before given responsibility. There will certainly be some unbelievers who slip through, or some who thought they believed or wanted to believe but eventually turn from the truth. False teachers will arise and deceive many, but though they will slip through, that doesn't mean we should abandon testing and vetting; on the contrary, we should be all the more diligent to do all we can to not be the doorway through which they gain entrance to leadership and influence. And as happened to the Jews, I shouldn't be surprised if those who are kept out of leadership and responsibility turn on me when denied access. That just shows I was right to deny them; they weren't spiritually ready, they weren't humbly seeking truth and service, but demanding position.