Micah Bemenderfer

February 21, 2023

Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 34 - Ezra 1
Meditation Verse: 2 Chronicles 34:21


Just from reading the Book of the Law, Josiah understood that the Lord was exceedingly angry at Israel. He sent for confirmation from the Lord and received it, along with a reprieve because he was humble and responsive to the Law, and ashamed at the faithlessness of the Lord's people. He was so moved and convicted by what he read that he wept over the sins of the people, their ignorance and his own. His conviction was so complete and genuine that even when he received a promise of peace in his days, he kicked off a huge reformation, calling the people back to obedience and cleansing the land of all marks of sin. He wholeheartedly believed the Word and loved the Lord and His people, zealously doing all he could to bring them back to Him and perhaps stave off the destruction that he was assured was coming.


Just by reading the Bible, I can know the Lord and understand His heart. And I can see that the Lord is exceedingly angry with men today. He sent His Son to pay for sin and provide the means of genuine repentance, but there's seldom Josiah's kind of total repentance and reformation. It takes a leader like Josiah who is broken by the sins of God's people, who will step up and call the people not just to be sorry but to commit themselves to walk in God's ways. It takes a move of God to bring the people to at least a point where they're willing to go with the leader's reforms, but better if they too are truly convicted and want to live in obedience to the Lord from their hearts. And the final commentary on this reform was that it worked, at least to the end of Josiah's days. That is perhaps the saddest thing in this whole record: Josiah understood the truth just from reading the Word of God, but the people only went along with his reforms; they never really got it for themselves. The only one who really understood the Lord was Josiah (surely there were others also), but by and large none of the people really understood and we're truly changed from the heart. They just followed the latest craze, and when the leader changed, so did they. I want heart change in myself and in those I lead, real, lasting heart change. I can teach and instruct and model and call, but only God can change hearts. On top of everything else, I need to plead with Him to do His work.