February 20, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 22-25
Meditation Verse: 25:27
How many generations of Jehoshaphat's family suffered because of his partnership with the house of Ahab? Is this three generations now or four? It seemed like such a good thing to Jehoshaphat to ally himself with the other clans of Israel; they were after all from one father, they were one family. But the northern tribes had turned away from the Lord. Jehoshaphat, whatever his motivation, was wrong to try to tie their families together again, without the northern kingdom first returning in faithfulness to the Lord. He brought corruption and destruction into his own family and people because of his misguided love for the Northern tribes.
There is no good fellowship between believers and unbelievers. Unless unbelievers repent and believe in the Lord in truth, believers have no business building fellowship with them. If I care about the future generations of my family, I can't let my sons marry unbelievers. It will bring ruin and destruction upon them. They or their children will be led astray from the Lord and without the grace of God will be lost to eternity. If I care about my descendants, I must hold them to this truth. Indeed, if they choose to disobey in this matter, they already care less about the Lord than their own feelings and they have already turned away from following Him.