February 2, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Kings 4-7
Meditation Verse: 5:18
God knows the intent of our heart. He does not merely look on the outward action and judge us. He judges the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts. He knows if Naaman is bowing in worship or in service to his king. He knows our hearts too, if we are worshiping people or things or not. We can have confidence that He will judge us truthfully, He won't misinterpret our actions, even if everyone else does.
I don't have to fear that God will charge me with wrong based merely on my outward actions; He will judge me by my heart. He won't misunderstand my actions because He knows what's in my heart. I don't have to fear that He might misunderstand me. He knows why I do what I do, and if I do what is right, though everyone misunderstands, He will understand, and He will judge correctly.