February 19, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 18-21
Meditation Verses: 20:35-37
Jehoshaphat is like many Christians today, who think that God's love requires or at least allows for partnerships with unbelievers. Yet God rebuked him twice, directly and clearly for partnering with Ahab and his son. And his family suffered terrible tragedy because of his choice to align with Ahab by marriage. That daughter of Ahab led his chosen successor to murder all his other sons and to undo all the reforms he had done. Allying with unbelievers and intermarrying with them are clearly forbidden throughout Scripture, but still even well-meaning believers want to believe that they won't suffer from ignoring these instructions.
No matter what others may think or do, no matter how compelling or "loving" their reasons may be, I must not give in on this issue. God has spoken clearly and directly. There is no confusion in Scripture. It is we who try to confuse things, because of our own sinful hearts. The New Testament affirms these Old Testament teachings. There is no ambiguity. Partnerships with unbelievers is forbidden because it brings bad influences. Our hearts are deceitful enough not to see pressure from an unbeliever we bind ourselves to. They don't have God's interests at heart; we should. So I will stand firm in faith that God knows best and is right in this matter.