Micah Bemenderfer

February 18, 2025

Passage Read: 1 Kings 14-17
Meditation Verses: 15:3-5


The Lord desired to do good to His people, and to keep His promise to David. Because of that, the people were able to disregard His commands and live, even prosper to a degree. God's faithfulness to His word and kindness toward His people led then to think they didn't need to fear Him and follow His commands. They either lost complete faith in Him and didn't fear Him, or they figured He was too soft to do anything bad to them. God's kindness is supposed to lead us to repentance, but instead it seems to have emboldened the people to ignore Him.


People today treat God the same way. Because He didn't immediately judge them for their sin and destroy them, they think He isn't real or is too soft to do anything about their waywardness. So they keep sinning, and do even worse than before. Even people who claim to believe in Him don't fear or honor Him. They believe that once they've prayed a prayer, God will save them no matter how they live out the rest of their days. But God is no fool, and He knows those who are truly His. Those who truly believe in Him, love and honor Him, because they believe His Word and His kindness. They know His eternal kindness is only for those who believe and obey Him, not for those who pray a prayer but care nothing about Him and His ways. God calls me to repentance and faith, and He has given ample evidence that He will condemn the sinner but save the one who believes and loves and obeys Him. I cannot keep walking in sin and expect to be saved. He has called me to die to self and live for Him, and He is worth living for.