Micah Bemenderfer

February 17, 2025

Passage Read: 1 Kings 10-13
Meditation Verses: 11:38-39


Solomon turned from the Lord later in life, under the influence of the women he loved. He loved his wives more then the Lord and more than his father David, so he provoked the Lord to uphold His end of the warning. But the Lord was not willing to carry out the full extent of His judgment, because of David's love and loyalty to Him, despite his very first son breaking covenant with Him. He would humble the sons of David by tearing ten tribes from him, but maintaining two tribes with him. And He offered the same promise to Jeroboam, if he trusted and obeyed Him. Jeroboam didn't, but led Israel into greater sin.


God is kinder to us in His judgment than we deserve. He had every right to cast aside all of Israel and Judah, but He didn't. Because of His love for David, and despite the attitude of Solomon, to whom God appeared twice, He kept David's sons on the throne of a much smaller kingdom. Jeroboam could have had all the promises of David, if he but trusted in the Lord. God is far more generous than we understand, but His requirement is faithful obedience. He does not overlook or excuse sin, but He rewards dedication. If I remain loyal and grow in obedience, I can bring good into the lives of my sons, even those who don't walk in my ways, though they may be humbled. If only they recognize how they're being humbled so as to repent and trust in the Lord. That is the challenge even for me, to understand when I'm being humbled so as to turn in greater loyalty and faithfulness. No matter what, my commitment needs to always be to grow in obedience to the Lord, not shrink back.