February 15, 2022
Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 2-5
Meditation Verses: 5:13-14
When they dedicated the house and offered their sacrifices and sang in praise to God, then the Lord appeared in their midst. He was pleased with their offerings and with their singing, but most importantly with their faith. He didn't show up in the cloud every day that they sang and sacrificed, but He showed His presence when they dedicated the temple. He wanted them to know that He was indeed present, so that they would have an awareness of His nearness.
When I praise the Lord from my heart and honor Him in truth, He is also pleased with me. I can believe that. He is present with me by His Spirit, but also in a special way when I gather with other believers to offer sacrifice and praise. He may not show up in a cloud of glory, but I can believe and trust in His presence.