February 14, 2023
Passage Read: 2 Chronicles 6-9
Meditation Verse: 7:3
How did they not run screaming from the fire? What this must've looked like, how targeted it must have been so as not to damage anything in the temple! And no one was hurt, but instead they went on praising and worshiping God! How amazing this must have been! Surely no one who saw it ever doubted the reality of God. And neither should I. The Lord is powerful, and does miracles. He is real, so all His promises are trustworthy
I shouldn't hesitate to live for Him or for all He promises. Christ's reign on this earth and eternity with God here are trustworthy promises and the only things really worth living for. And people need to know it; they need to be warned, they need to be encouraged to accept the truth of God.