Micah Bemenderfer

February 10, 2025

Passage Read: 2 Samuel 6-9
Meditation Verses: 6:5-7


David loved the Lord and desired Him to be with him in Jerusalem. But there was only one right way to transport the ark: on the shoulders of priests. David put it on a cart, like Philistines who once had captured it and sent it back by cart. And they celebrated before the Lord as they brought it from Abinadab's house to Jerusalem. But the oxen stumbled and Uzzah reached out a hand to steady the ark, and God struck him dead! They were worshiping the Lord and seeking Him, but that didn't stop the Lord from punishing Uzzah. The celebrating turned to mourning and the ark stopped at Obed-Edom's house. God deflated all the joy in a moment.


You'd think God would overlook the "minor" mistake on David's part and on Uzzah's. They meant well; their hearts were in the right place, even though they broke protocol. This was cause to celebrate, and they were rejoicing with all their might! Why did God kill Uzzah and the party? The Lord desires mercy, not sacrifice, yet there was no mercy for Uzzah. Of course, if Uzzah believed in the Lord, he would be safe in the arms of Abraham, though his earthly life was ended. But still! The Lord desires mercy, not sacrifice, but that doesn't mean He overlooks sin! He sent His Son to die as payment for sin--that's not overlooking sin, but treating it incredibly seriously! He calls all men to repent, turn from their evil ways and learn His righteous ways. His mercy doesn't mean we can do whatever we want as long as our heart is in the right place; instead it means He offers forgiveness to everyone who's heart wasn't in the right place but is now willing to get it right. No amount of good feeling toward the Lord, no amount of celebration will please the Lord if we have not set our hearts on doing the Lord's will. If we aren't diligently seeking to know the Lord's ways and do them, then it doesn't matter how much we "loved" the Lord, we will still be lost. I can't "buy Him off" by sacrifice or celebration. What the Lord has always sought is a humble and contrite heart that seeks to do things His way. I need to fear the Lord, love Him and honor Him by my diligence to do His will. I can't take shortcuts--and shouldn't want to, if I really do love Him.