February 10, 2022
Passage Read: 1 Chronicles 11-14
Meditation Verse: 14:2
David loved God and honored God in all that he did. He understood that he was to rule for God and for the good of the people, to make sure they had what they needed and knew God and did what pleased Him. So God highly exalted him, for the good of His people. David understood that by carefully following the Lord, by living for the Lord and doing all He asked, he would lead the people well and God would bless them. His purpose was not to do what the people wanted, but what God wanted, so that He could do good to the people.
This is true for anyone in leadership, whether communal or company or just family. If I want God to bless my family and do them good, then I need to know Him, obey Him, live for Him. I need to live to please Him, and lead my family to do the same. Then God will do them good, good as He sees fit, not necessarily what they consider to be good and desirable, but definitely what is best for them.