August 19, 2023
Passage Read: Acts 4-5
Meditation Verse: 5:42
The proper gospel must be centered on Jesus being the Christ, the king of Israel, not on the forgiveness He grants as King to those who will believe and obey Him. He must forgive our sins, or else none of us could be saved. But the gospel is that we have a righteous and holy king who will restore justice and righteousness on earth. But if we want to join that kingdom, we must repent of our sins and submit to Him as King, and He pardons us, forgives us based on His atoning sacrifice. The real question is, Do we want to live in a kingdom that requires righteous and holy living of us? That's why repentance is key. We don't get the benefit of eternity with Christ of we don't want to live holy and righteous lives. Indeed, if I don't want to live a righteous life, why would I come to Jesus?