August 20, 2023
Passage Read: Acts 6-7
Meditation Verse: 7:51
Disobedience is resisting the Holy Spirit. Refusing to believe and obey the Lord is resisting the Holy Spirit. Hating those who call one to repentance is resisting the Holy Spirit. And Stephen says this of those who represented the Lord to the people, these were the priests and elders, the Sanhedrin. They were supposed to be the experts in the Bible, but they like their forefathers refused to believe and obey it. They killed the Lord Jesus and killed Stephen too. They were more interested in keeping their position and power rather than humble themselves before the Lord.
I don't want to be on the side of those who resist the Holy Spirit. Whatever the Word of God says, I must humble myself and do, whether I understand the why or not. I must have nothing I value so much as to be unwilling to lose it in obedience to the Lord. Salvation is found in no one else, and I don't want to offend the only One who can save me.