Valentine's Greetings 2025

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year and Happy Valentine’s Day! Plans were to get this out at Christmas, and then New Years and well, now it’s February so February 14th’s the target! How appropriate, though, because if I could sum up our family ministry news in one word it would be LOVE.


George explains the Gospel

In March, Mark happily moved from three part time jobs to one full time and one part time position. He still pastors our little country church, Lafayette Salem Evangelical, but is also full time Administrative Assistant for our local CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) chapter. While he previously served primarily older people, this quickly switched to teenagers and children, including preparing George (15), our only son still at home, for teaching 5 Day Clubs to area kids. Mark was put in charge of the CYIA (Christian Youth in Action) program, which trains young people to teach Gospel clubs during the summer. But he, George, and I also participated in many other CEF events that promote our clubs with a bounce house, face painting, puppet shows, balloon art, free snow cones and material distribution. Together we were able to share the love of Jesus with hundreds of children, some of whom made decisions to receive Him as their Savior!


Micah's graduation

In May, Micah (25) graduated with honors from College of the Ozarks near Branson, Missouri, with a double major in Exercise Science and Sports Management and a minor in Coaching. Since then he’s been serving as a mentor and part time athletic director at a discipleship ministry for troubled teens called Future Men. However, he plans to continue his studies at Ethnos 360 this fall in preparation for overseas missions. Perhaps Victory, his sweet new girlfriend whom we met at Christmas, will join him in this pursuit? We feel honored the two have asked us to meet with them for “Pre-engagement Counseling.”


Josh and Michelle

Our whole family, including Grandpa B from Washington and adopted Grandma Barb who lives across our street, attended Joshua’s lovely Georgia wedding in July. Josh works as Global IT Manager for a gospel-centered organization called Creation Ministries International and, among other things, is the youth leader at his church. Michelle complements him well, with years of experience serving children and young adults in her own church. She’s cute, fun and committed to Jesus. And, needless to say, Rachel’s thrilled for another female in the mix!



Impromptu Tea Time

Having a Good News Club in our mobile home gave Rachel many opportunities to meet neighborhood young ladies. And the result? LOTS of tea parties with LOTS of talking (imagine that!) and each one leaving with more knowledge of Jesus and His great love. A couple girls call Rachel “Grandma” and one six year old “granddaughter” surprised us when she jumped from her seat and shouted “Jesus is the Light!” to show what she remembered from club. Then she shared more. And we thought she’d been sleeping the whole time! Rachel and the girls are so enjoying the three tier plate server and cloth napkins son Joshua (26) blessed her with at Christmas. They matched the pot, cups and saucers he’d previously given her. Now she’s busily preparing for a second Valentine’s Tea for our church ladies, since it went over so well last year. Every Sunday night Rachel treasured preparing her 85 year old quadriplegic mom for bed and writing out her weekly blessings. She has become her very best friend.

Other News

Aida Mae

David (21), in Portland, Oregon, is now a full time Personal Trainer at a gym near his home. He recently got his Nutrition Certification and had the honor of doing a video with a famous chef!

Timothy (19) completed his first full year as Motor Lab Intervention Assistant (ask him☺) at Doulos Academy in the Dominican Republic. He’s thrilled to be the lead teacher now, to have the additional responsibility of Campus Worship Coordinator, and to be fully supported! It was a blessing to have cheerful Tim home during Summer Break.

As of November 13, Daniel (26) and Ronda have a two year old cute-as-a-bug Aida Mae! In 2024, they added chickens, turkeys, rabbits, and goats to their “farm” outside Waterloo, Illinois, all of which Aida adores! Each “B” but David spent the day after Christmas with them.

Yes, 2024 was a LOVE year! And that because of Jesus—“We love because He first loved us” (I John 4:7). May we all ever more fully delight in and spread His love in 2025!

In Christ,

Rachel, for the family