September (54)


September 25, 2023

Passage Read: Galatians 5-6 Meditation Verse: 5:3 I do need to stop following my sinful nature, since that's what Christ died to save me from, but He has also made me wholly righteous, even as I need to train myself to walk in that righteousness,…

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Know Who's Lord

Feeding of the Five Thousand. Walking on Water. Two of Jesus' most famous miracles. But was there more to the story? How do you respond when God makes promises to you but doesn't fulfill them in the time frame you expected? Would you, like Sarah,…

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September 24, 2023

Passage Read: Galatians 3-4 Meditation Verse: 3:5 Lord, give me the courage and the faith to see Your power, and work Your power among us. Let us see miracles, healing, true repentance, dramatically changed lives. People truly living for Your kingdom rather than the world.

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September 23, 2023

Passage Read: Galatians 1-2 Meditation Verses: 1:3-5 I'm fooling myself if I think this age is all bright and beautiful, if any age ever was. If I think that, it's because I don't see with God's eyes, but with human eyes, comparing the worst ages…

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September 22, 2023

Passage Read: 2 Corinthians 12-13 Meditation Verses: 13:1-4 The only thing that hinders discipline is a community unwilling to cooperate with the discipline. Paul previously said that he was ready to punish the wrongdoers, as soon as the Corinthians' obedience was complete. Not that they…

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