September (54)


September 5, 2024

Passage Read: John 19-20 Meditation Verse: 19:11 Jesus here is saying what Paul later explains, that all authority on earth is appointed by God. God established authorities, not just those that acknowledge Him, but even those that have no idea He exists. God is a…

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September 4, 2024

Passage Read: John 17-18 Meditation Verses: 17:14-18 Jesus sends His disciples into the world, even though the world hates them. He sends us into the world just as the Father sent Him into the world, to testify of its deeds, that they are evil, and…

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September 3, 2024

Passage Read: John 15-16 Meditation Verses: 15:26-27 The disciples would not be alone in their testifying about Jesus. The Holy Spirit would also be testifying to the whole world. The Spirit's testimony is what makes our testimony powerful and effective. It's also what makes our…

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September 2, 2024

Passage Read: John 13-14 Meditation Verses: 14:12-14 This seems like such a great promise, such a huge promise. The works that Jesus did, those who believe in Him will do greater things. He has done some pretty spectacular miracles! But He promises that those who…

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Jesus is dead. The priests and Pharisees have won! They are so confident and clever. They anticipate the next and final deception and take steps to prevent it. Yet in truth, they have it all wrong. Not only do they overestimate Jesus' disciples, but they,…

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