September (53)



The angels joyously announced the birth of Jesus; the angels rejoice over the resurrection of Jesus! The resurrection seals the whole testimony of God. The resurrection proves Jesus is all He claimed to be. The resurrection changes everything! It frees us from all our fears…

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September 8, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 4-5 Meditation Verse: 5:33 This is the third time the apostles were arrested, and their courage and boldness remain undimmed. They were just imprisoned, but released by an angel and told to preach in the temple first thing in the morning. Is…

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September 7, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 2-3 Meditation Verse: 3:15 The resurrection of Jesus is the assurance that all He taught, all He claimed about Himself, and all He promised to those who believe in Him is true. It is the evidence we need to believe in Him.

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September 6, 2024

Passage Read: John 21 - Acts 1 Meditation Verses: John 21:17-18 Jesus adjusts His question to meet Peter where he is. Jesus first asks if Peter loves Him with a sacrificial love, but after denying Jesus three times, Peter no longer dares claim such a…

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September 5, 2024

Passage Read: John 19-20 Meditation Verse: 19:11 Jesus here is saying what Paul later explains, that all authority on earth is appointed by God. God established authorities, not just those that acknowledge Him, but even those that have no idea He exists. God is a…

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