Romans (27)


September 8, 2022

Passage Read: Romans 12-13 Meditation Verse: 12:16 I need to be careful not to pay special attention to some and less attention to others. Not to be arrogant but to be humble, and not to give special treatment to the mighty or the powerful, but…

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September 7, 2022

Passage Read: Romans 10-11 Meditation Verses: 11:19-23 Salvation by faith is not a once-for-all guarantee of salvation. Faith is only good for as long as it lasts. If someone should abandon faith, they will be lost. That is the point of Paul's letter to the…

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September 6, 2022

Passage Read: Romans 8-9 Meditation Verses: 8:35-39 This was such a happy chapter up till this point. God won't withhold anything from us, we should be so happy! He wants to give us everything! He gave His own Son, how will He not freely give…

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September 5, 2022

Passage Read: Romans 6-7 Meditation Verse: 7:8 "Apart from Law, sin is dead." This cannot mean that there was no sin before the Law, because he's already said sin was in the world before the Law, but it was not imputed without the Law. God…

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September 4, 2022

Passage Read: Romans 4-5 Meditation Verses: 5:3-5 Afflictions produce patience, patience produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. Because we must endure affliction and can't do much to change it, we have to learn endurance and patience. Though we might be in a hurry…

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