Romans (9)


September 3, 2023

Passage Read: Romans 6-7 Meditation Verses: 6:17-18 I should no longer behave as if I had freedom of choice, but as if all choice were taken from me. I should simply do wherever the Lord asks of me, whatever His Word commands me, and be…

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September 2, 2023

Passage Read: Romans 4-5 Meditation Verse: 4:8 But for this moment, I can remember that my sins will never be counted against me because I believe Jesus is the Son of God, and He died for my sins and rose again to give me life.

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September 1, 2023

Passage Read: Romans 2-3 Meditation Verses: 3:18-19 If Jesus honors me with rank and title and position, He's still Lord and God, and I remain His servant and creation. My relationship to Him doesn't change just because I've proven sufficiently faithful to warrant His honor.

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August 31, 2023

Passage Read: Acts 28 - Romans 1 Meditation Verses: 1:28-32 This is happening all over, and indeed a great apostasy has to happen before the end. But no matter how bad things get, I need to hold fast and continually submit and believe the Scriptures…

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