November (31)


November 30, 2023

Passage Read: Genesis 37-40 Meditation Verses: 39:10-14 Surely the other men of the household, the other slaves, knew what was going on. They surely had seen and heard what Potiphar's wife was doing to Joseph. But what could they do? As slaves they couldn't argue…

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November 29, 2023

Passage Read: Genesis 33-36 Meditation Verses: 34:2-4 This appears to be the culture in Canaan and beyond: Take the girl you want, then negotiate with the father (or brother). It happened to Abraham twice, Isaac was warned about the same thing possibly happening, and now…

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November 27, 2023

Passage Read: Genesis 29-32 Meditation Verses: 31:11-13 If it ever occurs to Jacob to leave, he didn't do it, not until the Lord tells him to. Though he is oppressed by his uncle, he keeps his word to serve, even though there was no time…

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Our Jealous God

Jesus introduced us to a small child last week, in the first few verses of this chapter. It turns out that such small children, because of their absolute trust and teachableness, are incredibly precious to God. And to us parents as well, right? Right? I…

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November 26, 2023

Passage Read: Genesis 25-28 Meditation Verses: 27:1-2 Isaac had to be at least eighty, and he would live at least another twenty years, the time it took for Jacob to pay his debts to Laban and return. He had gone blind and felt his age,…

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