Nehemiah (9)


February 25, 2023

Passage Read: Nehemiah 4-7 Meditation Verse: 6:14 It is sad that these foreign leaders who cared nothing about the welfare of the Jews would be able to hire prophets from among the Jews to intimidate one who was seeking to do good to the people.

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March 1, 2022

Passage Read: Nehemiah 12 - Esther 2 Meditation Verse: Nehemiah 13:26 This is such a wise statement: Solomon for all his wisdom could not resist his foreign wives, but succumbed to their pressure and was led astray from the Lord by them, and through him,…

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February 28, 2022

Passage Read: Nehemiah 8-11 Meditation Verse: 9:26 The prophets testified against the people in order to turn them back to the Lord. But of course the people hated that, and worked to silence the prophets, even killing them. No one wants to be told what…

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February 27, 2022

Passage Read: Nehemiah 4-7 Meditation Verses: 6:10-11 Nehemiah was leading this great work, for the good of the people and of the city. If he showed fear, fear would overwhelm the people and they would be discouraged. If he sought to save his own life…

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