Messages (98)

A collection of sermons and messages Mark has given over the years.  New messages will be added as they become available.


A New Year's Reset

What standards and truths are we building our lives around? Are we pressuring our spiritual leaders to lower standards to suit us and our society around us? Who decides right and wrong? Us? Society? It's God, right? Based on Malachi 1:7-14. Given January 1, 2023…

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A Time of Preparation

The second Sunday of Advent is a time of preparation. Joseph, Mary and others knew or should have know the arrival of the Christ was at hand. But some missed the signs; some weren't ready for His arrival. He's coming again; are we getting ready…

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A Time of Hope

On this first Sunday of Advent, we recognize the hope that Christ has secured for us, both now and to come. From Luke 1:68-79. Preached November 27, 2022 at New Life Community Church of the Nazarene (Monticello, IA) Message only: Full service (on Facebook only):

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Honoring the Lord

The Lord expects to be honored as a father or a master. How are we doing with that? What does it look like to honor the Lord as He desires? From Malachi 1:6. Preached October 30, 2022 at Noelridge Park Church

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I Have Loved You

Many Christians wonder at times whether they are truly saved, whether God loves them. God gives an interesting answer at the beginning of the book of Malachi. How do we know God loves us? Check it out. From Malachi 1:1-5. Given on October 2, 2022…

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