Messages (98)

A collection of sermons and messages Mark has given over the years.  New messages will be added as they become available.


The Draw of Jesus

People were drawn to Jesus for a variety of reasons. Is He drawing you and me? Does it scare you to be drawn closer to Him? From Matthew 4:12-25. Given February 5, 2023 at Lafayette Salem Evangelical Church

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Enduring Trial

Having been baptized, Jesus is sent into the desert to be tempted by the devil. Why? And what does that mean for us? From Matthew 4:1-11. Given January 29, 2023 at Lafayette Salem Evangelical Church

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Preparing a People for Jesus

John the Baptist came on the scene with several very specific purposes. He was to prepare a people for the coming Messiah. How did he do that? From Matthew 3:1-17. Preached January 22, 2023 at Lafayette Salem Evangelical Church

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Who's Responsible?

Picking up from where Christmas and the Advent season left off, I'll be teaching through the rest of the Gospel of Matthew. After the Magi depart, Herod seeks to destroy Jesus by killing the infant boys in and around Bethlehem. Who's responsible for the decisions…

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Why the Gospel?

We know we needed the Gospel in order to be saved from the penalty of sin, but was that all God intended when He sent His Son to die and rise again? Was there more to His purposes than just paying for our sins and…

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