May (37)


May 4, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 132-135 Meditation Verses: 135:5-10 Our God is greater than all gods. There is no one like the Lord. He rules over the affairs of men. He does whatever He pleases on the earth. The world and everything in it belongs to the…

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May 3, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 128-131 Meditation Verse: 131:1 It is pride that moves a man to think he knows best regarding matters that are out of his sphere. He doesn't have all the facts, only bits of information. He doesn't have the whole picture, but he…

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May 2, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 124-127 Meditation Verses: 127:1-2 If the Lord has not determined beforehand to bless the building of a house, then those who build it will have to work harder at it and it likely will still collapse. If the Lord has not determined…

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May 1, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 120-123 Meditation Verses: 123:3-4 We are surrounded by scoffers, so many even in the church, that we ourselves doubt some of Your truth. Be gracious to us, O Lord, give us some measure of deliverance. Show Your power that those who scoff…

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New Wine

What happens when something you've always believed to be true is challenged by the Word of God? Do you hold fast to your belief or do you submit to God's Word? Jesus came into conflict with four different groups of people in this passage. Those…

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