Matthew (100)

Messages and lessons from the Gospel according to Matthew


Greatest Commandments

It is amazing how much time and energy we can spend on debating meaningless things. Carpets. Music. Greatest commandments. Does God actually rank His commands so that there are some we really need to pay attention to and others we can pretty much ignore? Not…

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The Resurrection

How wise we think we are! How intelligent! So we have the boldness to deny the truth of things we don't like, even in God's Word! The Sadducees are not so different from us. They preferred to believe in what they could see and touch…

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Give What's Owed

The patience of Jesus' enemies is wearing thin. They are ready to kill Him. The only thing that holds them back is the great crowd in Jerusalem for the Passover. Too many of them think He is the Messiah; too many of them hang on…

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Called or Chosen

Are you merely called or are you chosen? There is a difference. In the conclusion to this parable, Jesus tells us that "many are called, but few are chosen." The gospel goes out into all the world; daily people receive a call from God's servants.

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A Kingdom Lost

A vineyard. Tenants. Slaves beaten, a son killed. Jesus both sums up Israel's history and foretells His own death. More than that, He foretells the end of all those faithless leaders of God's people, and the birth of His Church! A bad day for the…

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