March (37)


March 25, 2024

Passage Read: Job 21-24 Meditation Verses: 21:19-21 This is what all of us desire, that the wicked are punished in this life, and that the righteous are rewarded in this life. We think like this life is all there is. We do not value or…

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Called or Chosen

Are you merely called or are you chosen? There is a difference. In the conclusion to this parable, Jesus tells us that "many are called, but few are chosen." The gospel goes out into all the world; daily people receive a call from God's servants.

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March 24, 2024

Passage Read: Job 17-20 Meditation Verses: 19:21-22 Job's friends cannot believe he is innocent of wrongdoing. The tragedy and disaster that have befallen him can only be the hand of God and all creation set against him because of some terrible sin or many concealed…

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March 23, 2024

Passage Read: Job 13-16 Meditation Verse: 13:12 It is easier and more comfortable to have a simple view of life and God and everything, especially if it assures me that I'm safe. But platitudes don't dig in to understand what is really going on, what…

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March 22, 2024

Passage Read: Job 9-12 Meditation Verses: 9:19-24 Job understands that God is behind both the evil and the good. God prospers the wicked and blinds the wise. Job is in despair because he knows of no sin he has failed to atone for, and he…

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