Malachi (6)

Messages and lessons from the Book of Malachi


July 24, 2024

Passage Read: Malachi 1-4 Meditation Verses: 1:7-10 The governor gets more honor than the Lord. The governor gets nice, healthy animals for his food, but God gets the sickly, the castoffs, the unsellable. Because God can't say anything; He won't do anything. He can't, because…

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July 3, 2023

Passage Read: Malachi 1-4 Meditation Verse: 2:17 Thought There is so much in this book about dishonoring the Lord. People and priest treat Him with contempt in so many ways. Behind it all is a lack of fear of Him. In this verse, they say…

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A New Year's Reset

What standards and truths are we building our lives around? Are we pressuring our spiritual leaders to lower standards to suit us and our society around us? Who decides right and wrong? Us? Society? It's God, right? Based on Malachi 1:7-14. Given January 1, 2023…

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Honoring the Lord

The Lord expects to be honored as a father or a master. How are we doing with that? What does it look like to honor the Lord as He desires? From Malachi 1:6. Preached October 30, 2022 at Noelridge Park Church

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I Have Loved You

Many Christians wonder at times whether they are truly saved, whether God loves them. God gives an interesting answer at the beginning of the book of Malachi. How do we know God loves us? Check it out. From Malachi 1:1-5. Given on October 2, 2022…

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