Luke (40)

Messages and lessons from the Gospel according to Luke


July 31, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 11-12 Meditation Verses: 12:32-34 I want my heart fixed on heaven, on eternity with Jesus. I want to serve and love Him, which means doing good to others and helping them know and grow more devoted to Jesus. But a few verses…

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July 30, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 9-10 Meditation Verse: 9:26 If I acknowledge Jesus as Lord, then I don't have a choice in what teachings of His I'll accept. It's all or nothing. If I follow some teachings but not others, I clearly have little fear of Him.

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July 29, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 7-8 Meditation Verses: 7:37-38 How many of us would do such a thing? Who wants to draw attention to themselves, especially if they had lived a sinful life, the kind that everyone knows about and everyone looks down on you for? Oh…

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July 28, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 5-6 Meditation Verses: 6:27-31 This really makes me want to have very little, and have stuff I don't really care about. The poor man hears no threat; it's the rich man who cannot sleep for fear of being robbed. But whether rich…

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July 27, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 3-4 Meditation Verse: 3:18 I need to adjust my gospel to make repentance a priority. Forgiveness is only for those who repent and change their ways, who walk in the Lord's ways. Anyone who claims to believe in Jesus but doesn't bother…

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