July (67)


July 29, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 7-8 Meditation Verses: 7:37-38 How many of us would do such a thing? Who wants to draw attention to themselves, especially if they had lived a sinful life, the kind that everyone knows about and everyone looks down on you for? Oh…

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July 28, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 5-6 Meditation Verses: 6:27-31 This really makes me want to have very little, and have stuff I don't really care about. The poor man hears no threat; it's the rich man who cannot sleep for fear of being robbed. But whether rich…

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July 27, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 3-4 Meditation Verse: 3:18 I need to adjust my gospel to make repentance a priority. Forgiveness is only for those who repent and change their ways, who walk in the Lord's ways. Anyone who claims to believe in Jesus but doesn't bother…

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July 26, 2023

Passage Read: Luke 1-2 Meditation Verses: 1:50-52 Thought God's mercy is for those who fear Him, not for those who don't. The arrogant, those who are proud in their thoughts, not necessarily in deed, He will scatter; they will be overthrown. But the humble, who…

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July 25, 2023

Passage Read: Mark 15-16 Meditation Verse: 16:14 Thought The Eleven didn't believe Jesus had risen from the dead, even though several among the rest of the disciples saw Him. His own chosen apostles didn't believe the testimony of others, even though He had told them…

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