January (133)


January 9, 2025

Passage Read: Numbers 36 - Deuteronomy 3 Meditation Verses: Deuteronomy 1:41-43 They thought it was easy to go in and take the land, but it wasn't. It required the Lord's help. These Canaanite nations were stronger than the Israelites, and this proved it. It would…

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January 8, 2025

Passage Read: Numbers 32-35 Meditation Verses: 35:33-34 We have become so "noble" so as to seldom put anyone to death for murder. We're so afraid of miscarriages of justice, of putting an innocent man to death, that we fight to abolish the death penalty. The…

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January 7, 2025

Passage Read: Numbers 28-31 Meditation Verse: 30:2 Any vow a man makes is binding on him. There is no distinction between those young men still living at home and those who have married and moved into their own home. Young and old, married and single,…

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January 6, 2025

Passage Read: Numbers 24-27 Meditation Verses: 27:16-17 Here Moses is concerned for the Israelites, that there be an orderly transfer of authority, rather than an apparently random transition. Before he departs, Moses asks the Lord to publicly appoint the next leader, and God agrees. But…

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Who are you? How do you introduce yourself? What do you want people to know about you? What is your identity? Our society has been talking a lot about identities in recent years. Do you wish you could be something other than what and who…

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