Genesis (38)

Messages and lessons from the Book of Genesis


November 15, 2022

Passage Read: Genesis 9-12 Meditation Verses: 12:11-13 Abram did not yet know the Lord well, so he depended on his own wisdom to keep himself alive. But his wisdom backfired, and while it kept him alive and obtained for him preferential treatment, it lost him…

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November 14, 2022

Passage Read: Genesis 5-8 Meditation Verse: 7:1 No matter how bad everyone else gets, we can still remain righteous and find favor with God. It is no excuse to give in to wickedness because there is no one else left doing what is right. Just…

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November 13, 2022

Passage Read: Genesis 1-4 Meditation Verse: 4:16 Cain was cursed and sent away from the ground that accepted his brother's blood and from the presence of the Lord. He would be a restless wanderer and the ground would not produce fruit for him. He had…

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