Micah Bemenderfer

Personal Devotions (615)

Notes from personal Bible reading and meditation with a goal to apply one truth from the day's reading to my life that day


June 9, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 28-31 Meditation Verses: 31:10-12 Thought It doesn't matter how powerful a nation may become, how great it may be on the earth. It is still subject to the Lord and expected to honor Him. The nation or people who become proud, thinking…

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June 8, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 24-27 Meditation Verses: 24:13-14 Thought Judah refused to be cleansed of their impurity, their sin, but God would not give up on the nation. He would pour out His wrath on them until they were finally cleansed. They resisted and refused to…

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June 7, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 20-23 Meditation Verse: 20:49 Thought No matter how clearly Ezekiel preaches, no matter how clearly the Lord prophesies through him, the people have a ready excuse to protect themselves from the Lord's message: He's just speaking parables! That way no one can…

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June 6, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 16-19 Meditation Verse: 16:63 Thought When God makes His atonement for our sins, it shouldn't result in pride and arrogance. That's what happened at the beginning, when God first chose Israel, they became prideful because they had been chosen by the Lord.

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June 5, 2023

Passage Read: Ezekiel 12-15 Meditation Verse: 13:22 Thought There are workers of magic and lies that actually cause grief to the righteous and encourage the wicked not to turn from their wicked ways. They cause grief surely because they encourage people to remain in their…

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