Micah Bemenderfer

Personal Devotions (615)

Notes from personal Bible reading and meditation with a goal to apply one truth from the day's reading to my life that day


July 4, 2023

Passage Read: Matthew 1-2 Meditation Verse: 1:5 Thought Boaz's mother was Rahab, the Canaanite prostitute/innkeeper who hid the Israelite spies and pleaded for her life and the life of her family. Surely she was held in honor by that generation, though it is possible some…

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July 3, 2023

Passage Read: Malachi 1-4 Meditation Verse: 2:17 Thought There is so much in this book about dishonoring the Lord. People and priest treat Him with contempt in so many ways. Behind it all is a lack of fear of Him. In this verse, they say…

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July 2, 2023

Passage Read: Zechariah 11-14 Meditation Verse: 13:9 Thought Two-thirds of the people will be destroyed, but a third will survive. Yet this third will be tested by fire to be refined, ultimately proving faithful to the Lord and saved by Him. The Lord has been…

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July 1, 2023

Passage Read: Zechariah 7-10 Meditation Verses: 10:2-3 Thought Jesus says almost the exact same thing in His day, looking on the crowds after going through all their towns and villages. He in effect says they are leaderless, though they have very many leaders and teachers.

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June 30, 2023

Passage Read: Zechariah 3-6 Meditation Verse: 6:15 Thought The people of Judah are building a temple right now, but Zechariah is prophesying about the Branch who will be a priest and king, like Melchizedek and in the same place as Melchizedek! When the Branch comes,…

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