Micah Bemenderfer

Personal Devotions (595)

Notes from personal Bible reading and meditation with a goal to apply one truth from the day's reading to my life that day


December 25, 2023

Passage Read: Numbers 8-11 Meditation Verses: 11:21-24 Even Moses didn't fully understand the Lord yet. He had doubts about God's ability to provide so much meat for so many people, and said so to God. So God replied, "You will see whether My Word will…

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December 24, 2023

Passage Read: Numbers 4-7 Meditation Verse: 6:11 Being in the presence of someone who dies suddenly is counted as a sin to the one who makes the vow of the Nazarite, even though it is completely out of his control who dies and when. If…

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December 22, 2023

Passage Read: Leviticus 27 - Numbers 3 Meditation Verses: Leviticus 27:14-15 To consecrate something to the Lord is to lose ownership of it to the Lord. You could still use it, but it technically belonged to the Lord, even to the point where in the…

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December 21, 2023

Passage Read: Leviticus 23-26 Meditation Verses: 26:40-45 The Lord promises ever increasing punishment on the people if they refuse to obey Him and turn away from His statutes. He promised to send punishment, and if that doesn't turn them back in humility to Him and…

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December 20, 2023

Passage Read: Leviticus 19-22 Meditation Verses: 19:16-18 This section of commands speaks of loving a neighbor. We are not allowed to hate a neighbor or plan any evil against him. No vengeance, no slander, no grudge, no character assassination. If he has done wrong or…

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