April (68)


April 17, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 67-70 Meditation Verses: 69:6-9 Zeal for the Lord's house has consumed David, and those who speak against the Lord also speak against David. His love and loyalty to the Lord have made him a stranger to his brothers and separated him from…

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April 16, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 63-66 Meditation Verses: 63:1-4 The Lord is glorious in His power and greatness, and He is filled with lovingkindness towards those who seek Him and love Him. He is good to us beyond measure! David longs for the Lord with every fiber…

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April 15, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 59-62 Meditation Verses: 59:3-5 David, like Job, is suffering for no fault of his own. He's right. Perhaps some might try to make the case that David somehow sinned against Saul and incited Saul to such anger that Saul wanted to kill…

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The Resurrection

How wise we think we are! How intelligent! So we have the boldness to deny the truth of things we don't like, even in God's Word! The Sadducees are not so different from us. They preferred to believe in what they could see and touch…

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April 14, 2024

Passage Read: Psalm 55-58 Meditation Verses: 58:6-11 Again and again, David cries out to God for Him to act against those who hate him, who have attacked him, who plot his downfall. These are some of his most direct and descriptive pleas for vengeance. His…

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