April (98)


April 7, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 95-98 Meditation Verses: 95:7-11 If I want to hear the voice of God, if I want to hear Him speak, I must not harden my heart, I must not test the Lord, especially when I see His works. If I read His…

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April 6, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 91-94 Meditation Verses: 94:12-13 Blessed is the man whom God corrects, because He teaches him from His law. The law of the Lord is so good, teaching what love looks like, and exposing evil deeds. The man whom God teaches from His…

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April 5, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 87-90 Meditation Verse: 90:16 This is a prayer of Moses, who saw miracle after miracle, who traveled for forty years with the Lord's pillar of fire and smoke constantly with them. The Lord did miracles for the sons of Israel, but what…

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April 4, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 83-86 Meditation Verse: 86:2 David declares himself to be godly, and on that basis, pleads with the Lord for help. There is only a record of a few of his sins, and two of them are directly related. He learned to trust…

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April 30, 2022

Passage Read: Ecclesiastes 3-6 Meditation Verse: 3:14 What God does, it stands forever. What God says, He says with all generations in mind. His words are true and never need to change, because He sees the beginning from the end. He knows all of mankind…

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