Chapter 8 (40)


Why the Gospel?

We know we needed the Gospel in order to be saved from the penalty of sin, but was that all God intended when He sent His Son to die and rise again? Was there more to His purposes than just paying for our sins and…

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January 6, 2023

Passage Read: Judges 6-9 Meditation Verse: 8:18 So Gideon who was the smallest in his own eyes, when he believed the Lord and attacked the Midianites, was transformed in bearing to that like a prince. He was at first very timid, and asked for proof…

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December 7, 2022

Passage Read: Leviticus 7-10 Meditation Verses: 8:33-34 Ordination was the process by which Arron and his sons were set apart from the rest of the people to serve the Lord. They were to represent the Lord to the people, so they needed an extra degree…

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October 19, 2022

Passage Read: Hebrews 7-8 Meditation Verses: 8:10-11 This is the new covenant that Jesus brought about: that we should be transformed and God's Law should be written on our hearts to such an extent that we no longer need others to teach us. But the…

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September 22, 2022

Passage Read: 2 Corinthians 8-9 Meditation Verses: 8:12-14 Giving is not a competition that we should see who can give the most. Nor is it something to go into debt over. But it is simply an expression of the love and care we have for…

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