Chapter 3 (74)


Least Made Glorious

It’s hard for us to understand what it’s like to grow up without hope and without God in this world, but the Gentiles of old understood. God had come near through the Gospel. Jesus’ death and resurrection were not for the Jews only, but also…

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January 30, 2025

Passage Read: 1 Samuel 1-4 Meditation Verse: 3:18 Eli had given up on his sons and on his line. He had rebuked his sons, but they didn't listen, and that was it. He didn't remove them from their priesthood or do anything else to try…

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December 31, 2024

Passage Read: Leviticus 27 - Numbers 3 Meditation Verse: Numbers 3:9 All the firstborn males in Israel belonged to the Lord, that meant they were supposed to be dedicated to His service. That was to be their vocation, though since it wasn't all-consuming work and…

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November 22, 2024

Passage Read: Revelation 3-4 Meditation Verses: 3:1-4 The church at Sardis appears to be alive, but Jesus says they are dead. They're not yet lost, because He calls them to wake up and strengthen the things that are about to die. There is still something…

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November 18, 2024

Passage Read: 1 John 3-4 Meditation Verses: 3:5-8 "Let no one deceive you." John here says that no one who abides in Jesus continues to sin, but he practices righteousness and therefore is righteous. That seems heretical to my modern ears. I have been trained…

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