Chapter 26 (15)


September 19, 2024

Passage Read: Acts 26-27 Meditation Verses: 26:20,23 Paul proclaims Jesus as the Christ, who was foretold to have to suffer and rise from the dead, so that forgiveness of sins could be given to anyone who turns from their own ways to God, displaying their…

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Two Trials

Both Peter and Jesus are on trial here. You can see the difference between the One who submitted Himself to the Father's will, even to the point of death, and the one who gave in to his flesh. Jesus knows when to remain silent and…

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August 5, 2024

Passage Read: Matthew 25-26 Meditation Verses: 26:62-64 The chief priests and elders bring in many "witnesses" who accuse Jesus of different evils, but Jesus doesn't answer a single charge. This amazes the priests and elders, because they would naturally fight any false charges against themselves.

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The Garden

How do you handle the most terrifying diagnosis? How do you handle tragedy befalling a loved one? How do you respond to a spouse who fails you in one way or another? How do you respond to a car breaking down by the side of…

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Passover Preparations

Time is short now. Jesus has finished His teachings on the end of this age and His return. Now it's time to prepare for His departure and inauguration of the New Covenant. So many preparations to make! Over the next 30 verses, we jump from…

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