Chapter 25 (17)


December 18, 2022

Passage Read: Numbers 24-27 Meditation Verses: 25:1-2 These unbelieving women care nothing for their integrity or purity! They freely sleep with the Israelite men, with no apparent hesitation. Unbelievers have no sense of shame or self-respect. They are sent to invite the Israelite men to…

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August 31, 2022

Passage Read: Acts 24-25 Meditation Verses: 25:2-3 After two years of Paul in prison, the Jews still demand his death as one of the first things mentioned to the new governor. Had he continued to be a threat and a problem to them? Was he…

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June 10, 2022

Passage Read: Ezekiel 24-27 Meditation Verse: 25:3 Though the Lord was forced to punish His people, yet He does not take kindly to the pagans who rejoice over the destruction He brings on His people. He is still jealous for His people, He has not…

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May 27, 2022

Passage Read: Jeremiah 25-28 Meditation Verse: 25:29 Judgment begins with the people of God, and if God finds fault with His own people, what will He do to those who do not follow Him at all? Of course He will find even greater fault! At…

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May 10, 2022

Passage Read: Isaiah 23-26 Meditation Verses: 25:2-3 The strong understand strength and power, and when the Lord exercises His might, then they honor and glorify Him. They do not respect what they perceive as weakness, but when the Lord overthrows cities that seem untouchable, they…

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