Chapter 23 (23)


March 9, 2022

Passage Read: Job 21-24 Meditation Verses: 23:11-12 Eliphaz is tired of Job's complaining and claiming innocence, so now he makes wild accusations. Surely Job has done something wrong in order to incur this suffering from God! But here Job declares his innocence, and not just…

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January 26, 2022

Passage Read: 2 Samuel 22 - 1 Kings 1 Meditation Verse: 2 Samuel 23:8 David's mighty men, the three and the thirty and the commanders of each, were all men of great valor. They all did great deeds, delivering victory to God's people, with no…

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January 18, 2022

Passage Read: 1 Samuel 21-24 Meditation Verses: 23:16-17 Jonathan could imagine how David must be feeling. He knew enough to go out and find him and comfort him, encouraging him to continue trusting in the Lord. When things seemed pretty bleak, Jonathan had confidence in…

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